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 Сгенерирован 08 Мая 2024 09:30

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СЕО Контент

Заголовок страницы

bina — Online private preschool & elementary school | Accredited international online home school for children 4-12

Длина : 115

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Описание страницы

International private online elementary school for ages 4-12. Small classes, experienced teachers, and a curriculum that balances standardization and personalization. At home schooling for gen A’s.

Длина : 197

В идеале, Ваше описание страницы должено содержать от 70 до 160 символов (вместе с пробелами). Используйте этот бесплатный инструмент для подсчета длины символов в тексте.
Ключевые слова

Очень плохо. Мы не нашли ключевых слов на Вашем веб-сайте. Используйте бесплатный генератор мета-тэгов, чтобы сгенерировать ключевые слова.
Og Meta Properties Замечательно, Вы используете преимущества Og Properties.
Свойство Контент
description International private online elementary school for ages 4-12. Small classes, experienced teachers, and a curriculum that balances standardization and personalization. At home schooling for gen A’s.
title bina — Online private preschool & elementary school | Accredited international online home school for children 4-12
image:width 1920
image:height 1080
H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
1 1 6 24 10 72
  • [H1] A global, accredited school that fits your family everywhere
  • [H2] Your path to premium education, priced right
  • [H3] Why choose bina?
  • [H3] Get started in 3 easy steps
  • [H3] $875
  • [H3] $857
  • [H3] $831
  • [H3] Your path to premium education, priced right
  • [H4] Surpassing US and UK averages with top 8% performance.
  • [H4] Easily transition in and out of highest-quality schools globally.
  • [H4] Maximise potential with unparalleled educator attention.
  • [H4]
  • [H4] Wherever you are, your child will get the highest-quality, accredited education with their tiny group of friends from all over the world.
  • [H4] Meet your child's crew
  • [H4] More learning, less stress
  • [H4] Full days, fulfilled kids
  • [H4] In-the-know parenting
  • [H4] hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(26122306, '27df9936-0db5-4227-90e1-8ee018028b00', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"eu1"});
  • [H4] Only 7 kids per class with globally-experienced educators
  • [H4] World-ready and academically strong
  • [H4] Active learning is sticky (and also super fun!)
  • [H4] Every day is about making friends and emotional growth
  • [H4] From blah to aha! Every lesson is a discovery
  • [H4] Lifelong friends: find your child's tribe at bina
  • [H4] hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(26122306, '27df9936-0db5-4227-90e1-8ee018028b00', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"eu1"});
  • [H4] Family sneak peek
  • [H4] Your child's bina quest
  • [H4]
  • [H4] hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(26122306, '27df9936-0db5-4227-90e1-8ee018028b00', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"eu1"});
  • [H4] full price
  • [H4] 2% discount
  • [H4] 5% discount
  • [H5] Full-time digital education, crafted for your 4 to 12 year old
  • [H5] 2024 start dates: 15 January, 3 April, 24 July, 9 October
  • [H5] We offer 3 different payment plans for our full time program. We also offer a 10% discount for siblings after the first fully enrolled child.
  • [H5]  
  • [H5] / Month
  • [H5] Billed Monthly
  • [H5] / Month
  • [H5] Billed Quarterly
  • [H5] / Month
  • [H5] Billed Yearly
  • [H6] "We love the social and emotional work that you do with the kids. She uses those skills every day. She's made great improvements with math as well. We appreciate the flexibility so that we can have the lifestyle we want. It's all because of bina."
  • [H6] Lorena, Brazil
  • [H6] "I can't rave enough about bina! She has been so happy. I see how she's thriving and how she loves going to class every day. I love how the teachers handle challenges with the children. They're very patient and attentive. They mimic how to regulate in difficult situations."
  • [H6] Paul, Mexico
  • [H6] "There's so much we love about bina! There's a good mix of different types of activities, using art and fun and games, which keeps her attention. She says the school days go so fast! We tell her that time flies when you're having fun. We appreciate the routine of checking in, talking about feelings, and asking what's going on with each other. She's building her emotional intelligence and gaining tools to help herself."
  • [H6] Amanda, Canada
  • [H6] "Yesterday at dinner, I asked my daughter what her favorite moment was from school, and she replied - All of it!"
  • [H6] Betsy, USA
  • [H6] "bina has completely changed our perception of online schooling! Our boys relish every moment with new friends they met in class from another part of the world."
  • [H6] Kirubel, USA
  • [H6] "Madison adores her teacher, Georgie. Since starting, she has become so much more outgoing and absolutely loves meeting her new friends across the world!"
  • [H6] Olive, Ireland
  • [H6] Academic mastery
  • [H6] Internationally accredited
  • [H6] Educator to student ratio
  • [H6] * Up to 7 kids in a group 
  • [H6] * 4-12 year-olds 
  • [H6] * 2 educators matched with each class
  • [H6] * Bi-weekly one-on-one teacher meetings
  • [H6] * 187 learning days a year
  • [H6] * 4 quarters: next one starting 15 January, 2024
  • [H6] * Our 2024 intakes are: 15 January, 3 April, 24 July, and 9 October
  • [H6] * Monday through Friday 
  • [H6] * 5h daily online live lessons
  • [H6] * 20 min digital playground 
  • [H6] * Real-time teacher feedback
  • [H6] * Direct messaging for families
  • [H6] * Ever-adapting progress reports
  • [H6] * Global community support
  • [H6] "No more morning rush! With bina, the kids learn so much, and we still have our peaceful mornings in nature."
  • [H6]
  • [H6] Mina, Nazareth
  • [H6] "Regular schools just didn't get it. But Bina? They've been a lifeline for my unique kiddos."
  • [H6]
  • [H6] Mei Mei, Toronto
  • [H6] "With bina, we're cutting down on commutes and upping our outdoor time. It's education with a conscience!"
  • [H6]
  • [H6] Manuel, Lisbon
  • [H6] "Thanks to bina, my kiddo's learning about the world just like we always hoped. It's a game-changer!"
  • [H6]
  • [H6] João, Manaus
  • [H6] "Between my tech job and bina, I still get those precious cuddle breaks with my little ones. It's the best of both worlds!"
  • [H6]
  • [H6] Angela, Austin
  • [H6] "Every time we move, bina's right there with us. My kids are making friends and staying on track academically."
  • [H6]
  • [H6] Anton, 🤷🏾‍♂️
  • [H6] Nurtured by experts, surrounded by friends. In their tiny class with their highly-educated teachers, your child is seen, heard, and cherished. 
  • [H6] Our curriculum is fully accredited, meeting all UK and US educational standards. It's a comprehensive academic foundation that prepares your child for success, both in top global schools and in life. 
  • [H6] Thematic learning at bina turns lessons into adventures. Your child masters academics while exploring biomes like the rainforest or tundra. It's smart learning that shapes global citizens.
  • [H6] Our daily social-emotional learning program turns classrooms into life labs. Here, your child learns to be empathetic, responsible, and authentic. The result? A well-rounded kid, ready for real-world success.
  • [H6] Thematic learning at bina turns lessons into adventures. Your child masters academics while exploring biomes like rainforests or tundras. It's smart learning that shapes global citizens.
  • [H6] Our daily Social-Emotional Learning program turns classrooms into life labs. Here, your child learns to be empathetic, responsible, and authentic. The result? A well-rounded kid ready for real-world success.
  • [H6] Step 1
  • [H6] Explore 8 biomes through the bina lens and get a tailored overview of our offerings for your family.
  • [H6] Step 2
  • [H6] Your child dives into the bina-verse with edu-play, and you receive custom growth strategies.
  • [H6] Step 3
  • [H6] We guide your family through easy onboarding, prepping you for an awesome first day.
  • [H6] Most Popular
  • [H6] Best Offer
  • [H6] monthly subscription
  • [H6] $875 / month
  • [H6]  
  • [H6] quarterly subscription
  • [H6] $857 / month
  • [H6]  
  • [H6] yearly subscription
  • [H6] $831 / month
  • [H6]  
  • [H6] We offer a 10% discount for siblings after the first fully enrolled child.
  • [H6] A global, mobile, whole schooling experience for 4-12 year olds that fits your family everywhere
Картинки Мы нашли 65 картинок на этом веб-сайте.

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Соотношение Контент/HTML Соотношение : 2%

Соотношение текста в коде HTML у этой страницы меньше чем 15 процентов, это означает, что Вашем веб-сайту требуется больше контента.
Flash Замечательно, мы не нашли Flash контента на странице.
Iframe Очень плохо, на Вашей странице были найдены Iframe'ы. Это говорит о том, что содержимое их не будет проиндексировано.

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Внутренние ссылки Мы нашли 20 ссылок(-и), включая 0 ссылок ссылок(-и) на файл(-ы).

Анкор Тип Вес ссылки
× Внешняя Передает вес
How it works Внутренняя Передает вес
About us Внутренняя Передает вес
Blog Внутренняя Передает вес
globally Внутренняя Передает вес
unparalleled educator attention Внутренняя Передает вес
Real-time teacher feedback Внутренняя Передает вес
seen, heard, and cherished Внутренняя Передает вес
comprehensive academic foundation Внутренняя Передает вес
Thematic learning Внутренняя Передает вес
adventures Внутренняя Передает вес
awesome first day Внутренняя Передает вес
Join us Внутренняя Передает вес
Contact us Внутренняя Передает вес
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Blog Внутренняя Передает вес

Ключевые слова

Облако ключевых слов step blog get home bina works school family how education
Содержание ключевых слов
Ключевое слово Контент Заголовок страницы Ключевые слова Описание страницы Заголовки
home 6
works 5
how 5
blog 5
education 3


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Favicon Отлично, Ваш сайт имеет favicon.
Пригодность для печати Плохо. Мы не нашли CSS файл, отвечающий за печать веб-сайта.
Язык Хорошо, Ваш установленный язык веб-сайта: en.
Dublin Core Ваш веб-сайт не использует преимущества Dublin Core.


Doctype HTML 5
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Предупреждений : 112
Приватность эл. почты Внимание! Как минимум 1 адрес эл. почты был найден в контенте. Воспользуйтесь бесплатной защитой от спама, чтобы скрыть адрес от спамеров.
Устаревший HTML Отлично. Мы не нашли устаревших тэгов в Вашем HTML.
Скорость загрузки
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Слишком плохо. Ваш веб-сайт использует встроенные CSS правила в HTML тэгах.
Плохо. Ваш веб-сайт имеет слишком много CSS файлов (больше чем 4).
Плохо. Ваш веб-сайт имеет слишком много JavaScript файлов (больше чем 6).
Очень плохо, ваш сайт не использует возможность gzip сжатия.

Мобильный телефон

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Apple иконки
Meta Viewport Тэг
Flash контент


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